Apr 171 min

"How Can Law Enforcement Agencies Pioneer Equity, Diversity, and Accountability?"

Updated: Apr 28

Sgt Donny Walters with Terry Watson at the NABLEO conference

In episode 026, we discussed the pioneering work of the Ethical Society of Police (ESOP) in promoting equity, diversity, and accountability in law enforcement. Our special guest, Sgt. Donnell Walters, the President of ESOP, talked about positive policing, community engagement, and how ESOP addressed race-based discrimination. We also heard about Sgt. Walters' 20 years of service and dedication to building relationships between law enforcement and the community. This episode tacked mental health, public policy, and complex community and law enforcement conversations.

If you missed it, visit our website for more information about Moses People Speak and to watch this and previous episodes.

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About the author

Terry Watson is a professional speaker, author, and trainer specializing in disability equity in education, racial justice, and law enforcement. Mr. Watson has more than 15 years of working in higher education. He is the founder of Strategies for Justice, the host of Moses' People Speak, and the author of the award-winning book Welcome to the Sick Mind of a Sane Person: Deconstructing Racism and White Supremacy. 
