Watch & Discuss Badge
SFJ plans to hold at least six Watch-N-Discuss Programs per year. Watch-N-Discuss are free to all paid members. If a film is sponsored by an outside organization, we may open it up to the general public. Memberships is $40/year for and individual.
We will view content that focuses on the mission of SFJ while chatting with fellow members of SFJ and having an open dialogue. We will interact with the guest speakers after the Watch-N-Discuss program to dive deeper into the film.
SFJ Members who participate in two Watch-N-Discuss sessions within a year and complete the challenge will earn the Watch & Discuss badge and receive a SFJ Watch -N-Discuss gift.
To complete this challenge, you must
-RSVP for two (2) Watch-N-Discuss Programs within a year.
-Watch the films with your fellow SFJ members
-Engage in dialogue before and during the film
-Share content
-Engage in the discussion with the panelist.

We will view content that focuses on the mission of SFJ while chatting with fellow members of SFJ and having an open dialogue. We will interact with the guest speakers after the Watch-N-Discuss program to dive deeper into the film.