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The Red Summer Of 1919


The summer of 1919, better known as the Red Summer of 1919, impacted Samuel J. Battle’s well-being. He recalled as the war was coming to an end, our country recorded 78 lynchings of Blacks, including the lynching of Mary and Haynes Turner in Georgia. As Battle was looking to become a Sergeant, he was very outspoken on the issues between law enforcement and the black community. In 1919, after racial violence-plagued cities in the North, it was noted that Battle suffered "guilt by association."

Battle went on the record saying, "This was one of the problems inherited by the Negro policeman in New York City at that time. His duty was to uphold the law, but Negro citizens looked at the law across a bitter color bar."

To read more about this and other stories, check out One Righteous Man by Arthur Browne.
To read more about this and other stories, check out The Black Shields by Roger L. Abel.

The Red Summer Of 1919

#110Battle Stories
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In collaboration with the Black Police Experience (BPX) and the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, Inc (NABLEO), we want to commemorate the heroics of Samuel J. Battle by asking black law enforcement to share their stories.  If you find a story on the Battle Continues.. timeline that you can relate to, please share.  


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Our timeline of untold stories is a collection of black law enforcement stories that will serve to illustrate their lived experiences and the need to transform police policies, practices, and consciousness. The Battle begins with Samuel J. Battle but continues as we commemorate the 110th year of blacks in law enforcement in NYC. Submit your story and help to create a pathway to justice.


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The Red Summer Of 1919

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