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Track Description: Due to the climate and the increased calls to address mental health in law enforcement, as well as the need to address police interaction with the mental health community, the Mental Health and Policing track provides a critical analysis on how law enforcement deals with mental health within their departments and within their communities. This track's purpose is to build competencies within law enforcement on how to create, enhance, and maintain a conducive environment for officers to deal with mental health crises within their department and their community. 


Track Target Audience: Law Enforcement Agencies; Townships & Municipalities, Community Organizations [with an emphasis on law enforcement engagement], Mental Health Professionals

Track Workshop Duration: Number of workshops [4] Over the span of [6] months.

Track C: Mental Health and Policing

  • Track Workshop Duration: Number of workshops [4] Over the span of [6] months.

    Once you purchase this workshop track, you will be prompted to select the four workshops you want to receive for your organization. 

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