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Moses' People Speak (MPS) is geared towards the law enforcement community, educational institutions, and community members/organizations whose mission is to participate in the conversation of criminal justice reform. Each webisode features a guest who speaks power through their truth with the goal of creating a better culture.  The term "Moses' People" derives from the narratives of Moses P. Cobb and Samuel J. Battle, both of whom were known for being persistent and dedicated to breaking down racial barriers in law enforcement.

We encourage you to empower the future with untold h

istory s - 118 page spiral notebook with ruled line paper is a perfect companion in everyday life. The durable printed cover makes the owner proud to carry it everywhere.

.: 118 ruled line single pages
.: Front cover print
.: Black back cover

Moses' People Speak Spiral Notebook - Ruled Line

SKU: 2353126088
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